Thursday, April 29, 2010


    INTEREST digital architecture is certainly an attractive prospect for the future of the world later this architecture.
    humans are never satisfied in developing the technology .. of course it is a cause of increasingly sophisticated terknologi perbahan to evolve with the times and over time. refract the effects of technological development is also in the world of architecture, thus arises the "digitalization" architecture, leading to an architect in making the work easier by the existence of a software tool for example. starting from 3d software like autocad, 3d max, ArchiCAD, Sketch Up, up with the graphics software pemercantik: corel draw, photoshop for example.
    The flow of digital architecture is something that is interesting, because in general, simplify the work and also enhance creativity in design. Here are some of the advantages of digital architecture that makes it interesting, among others:

    1. Work efficiency, both in terms of time and effort. more easily and quickly finish the job, certainly more and more time for architects to better work of architecture. .

    2. Helping role in communicating and visualizing design

    3. Enhance creativity in exploring the form. While in the period before the existence of a digital architecture, bentuan formation of design in general, only the box-shaped or square boxes, which correspond to the drawing board. With the media in the form of software as mentioned before, Bentu-form can be further processed.

    4. architect is expected to create ideas that are more 'fresh' and innovative that could only be visualized via digital architecture.

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