Women's Health Magazine released some more quotes from their September issue (on newsstands now). The actress dishes about growing up on the set of That 70s Show, her numerous hunky co-stars, and keeping it real in Hollywood.
On working with:
James Franco:
“He’s incredibly smart, but he’s not obnoxious smart, like ‘I’m going to tell you every SAT world I know just to prove it to you.’ He’s naturally smart. He reads.”
Mark Wahlberg:
“Mark’s an easygoing guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously. Basically, if you golf you can hang out with him. The man loves his golf.”
Those 70s Dudes:
“[Ashton] Kutcher used to help me with my science homework. Wilmer [Valderrama] taught me to drive. Topher [Grace] talked about movies all the time. And Danny [Masterson] took me to my first club and bought me my first drink. He was my prom date too.”
On Hollywood:
“[The culture here] isn’t based on anything other than “Who got a boob job? That’s what I feel L.A. is about,’”
“A lot of people here want to be everyone but themselves.”
Her character in the upcoming flick, Extract:
“This girl is so crazy. Like, OMG, she’s got issues!”
On going through puberty on national television as Jackie on That ‘70s Show:
“It was awful. No one should have her teenage years on video.”
On how she avoided the crash-and-burn fate of many child stars:
“I had a normal upbringing and went to public school,” “If I ever, even for a second, started getting a big head, I was brought back to reality pretty quickly. I was working full time and still had to fight for a cellphone. Then the car thing came around. OH my God! You would have thought I was asking for a private jet! I kicked and screamed, and I got my stupid car. Then I did something dumb and my parents took my keys away. I told them, ‘But I have to go to work tomorrow!’ And they said, ‘You’ll figure it out.’ Yeah, those are my parents—and that’s why I’m pretty grounded.”
Moving on from the ‘70s:
“Eight years of doing the same [show] felt like being behind a desk, and I lost my drive. I had an epiphany. I decided I wasn’t going to take [my career] so seriously and make my job who I am. I just want to be happy with my life.”
On traveling with her brother Michael:
“I like the way he travels,” “He grabs a map, says, ‘Let’s walk,’ and make you explore.”
“Michael’s a foodie like me, so we’ll eat our way through everywhere we go,” “I’ll try anything once—alligator, frog, rabbit. Korea was one of those places where you really don’t want to ask what meant you’re eating.”
On how she de-stresses with friends:
“We’ll hang out by the pool, have mai tais, and roll around in the grass with my dogs,”
Balancing fame with a normal life:
“So many people put so much emphasis on what they do that they lost sight of who they are. They fight for something that is so meaningless and frivolous. My whole career could go poof tomorrow and you might never hear of me again.”
On going blonde:
“I would make the ugliest blonde ever. I was really tempted once and put on a blonde wig. Oh my God, all the green came out in my skin, so I looked like I was going to vomit.”
On not being dull:
“I’m not boring to be around,” “Something will always happen”
What she finds attractive in a guy:
“Intelligence. And Turtlenecks. (Just kidding).”
Worst fashion mistake:
“Where do I begin? Ages 14 through 22: big fashion mistake.”
Hidden talent:
“I really, really kick ass at drums on Rock Band. I’m just sayin’.”
Fantasy dinner party:
“It would be crazy. I’d invite Thomas Jefferson, [Leo} Tolstoy, Barack Obama, Lucille Ball, and maybe Stalin, only because there are certain people in history I just can’t wrap my head around. I’d be like, ‘Explain it to me. Pretend that I’m a 4-year-old and explain what made you do that crazy **** you did.’”
Favorite drink:
“Wine. Red. Syrah.”
On being a klutz:
“Let’s see. I had a snowboarding accident. I fell off a horse. I’ve had a concussion, a fractured rib….I walk into walls. I’m always bruised up.”
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