I signed up for the Discovery 702 Walk The Talk this year and today I had to get up before 6am to get to the packed venue (Marks Park, Emmarentia) before the race started at 7:30am. Mandy picked myself and Norman up and was our designated driver to drop us off at the Start Line. I had made us some hot chocolate for all of us as it was -3 degrees C when she picked me up.
Thank You Thank You Thank You Mandy!!!
Norman was not officially registered, but decided to come and support me anyway (just for fun). Ja he is a little nutty....and it was great to have someone to walk and talk with. We met other friends there too (the Myburgh Bundle) but we soon over-took them and raced ahead. At first I thought Norman and I had rudely been left behind by the Myburgh's - but it was the other way around!!! Sorry Myburgh's!!!
The first 10km was lots of fun and everyone along the way was full of smiles, songs and chirps. Even the registered dogs were excited to be there and barked at everything including the South African Police Service who were there in full force.
The atmosphere was bubbly and electric and it was awesome being a part of such a large crowd. There were loads of strange characters along the way (Norman and I share a passion for observing and watching people) and we had great fun spotting all the odd-balls. People with funny hats, funky stripey socks and bright coloured outfits.
The last 5km was tough for me as we had set our pace quite fast and my feet and thighs were starting to burn and throb. By the last kilometer I was really feeling the pain and started verbalising it quite strongly. Sorry for the whining, Norman. We made the 15km in almost exactly three hours (and twenty seconds).
It was such a fun day and a very well-organised event.
Riaan and the girls collected us at the Finish Line and we all went for a celebratory Brunch at Wimpy. Now I can hardly walk....went for a HOT bath and rubbed so much Deep Heat on my legs that I had to blow the "heat" away with the cold setting on my hair drier...yip over-did it with the Deep Heat but now I can at least walk.
See you next year!!!
Early Morning 1.5km walk from the Parking Lot to the Starting Line.

but such a spectacular view of Johannesburg Suburbs
The Finish Line 
A downhill and view of the walkers
Signage along the way
Our Goodie Bags

The Entrance to Marks Park
Early Morning walk to the Start
Graffitti along the way

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